The Nebraska State Bar Association created this online community exclusively for city attorneys in Nebraska to share resources about substantive legal issues and to connect with other lawyers facing similar legal questions. Thank you for your participation and engagement. If you wish to be added to the list, please contact NSBA Executive Director, Liz Neeley. If you are not a city attorney and wish to be removed from this online community, please contact Elisa Oria.
If you are new to the NSBA's online communities, here is a link to several brief "how to" videos. To send an email to all city attorneys in Nebraska, simply type "" in the "to" field of your email from the email that you have on file with the Nebraska Sate Bar Association. Please note that when you receive an email through the listserv you will have the option of replying to the sender or replying all. If you select "reply all" the content of your message will be sent to all city attorneys in Nebraska
The email for this listserv is: