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  • 1.  2023 TPSL CLE planning - we want to hear from you!

    Posted 02-07-2023 11:39

    Dear TPSL section members,

    Welcome, we are so excited for this first official year of the TPSL section!  The executive committee met last week and has decided to offer one hour of CLE at annual meeting along with a quarterly CLE opportunity. For annual meeting, the executive committee decided to go for a more beginner-friendly topic that would be suitable for all or most lawyers who attend annual meeting. The quarterly CLE opportunities will be for directly for TPSL section members and we will offer more advanced topics.

    We have floated some ideas in the executive committee but we want to hear from you! Please fill out this two question survey and list your ideas for beginner-friendly as well as advanced topics relating to TPS law. Were there any notable changes in the law made in 2022 that would be helpful to educate lawyers on? Are there any topics that you've read about in other states that Nebraska lawyers haven't heard much about yet but should? Is there a topic that you are really well-versed on but find that others in the TPS practice area are not and should be? Is there a topic that you feel like you don't know enough about yet and you want the opportunity to learn more?

    I will share these ideas with the committee at their next meeting in late February, so this survey will be open until Monday, February 20.

    Thanks in advance for filling out the super quick survey!


    Bri Petersen
    Section Facilitator and Publications Coordinator
    Nebraska State Bar Association
    Lincoln, NE

  • 2.  RE: 2023 TPSL CLE planning - we want to hear from you!

    Posted 02-13-2023 11:51

    Hi section members, happy Monday!

    This is just a friendly reminder of the survey linked in the original message. Please make sure to fill that out - it will be open until next Monday!

    Thanks in advance (and thanks to those who have filled it out already!)


    Bri Petersen
    Section Facilitator and Publications Coordinator
    Nebraska State Bar Association
    Lincoln, NE