This community is dedicated to keeping members apprised of issues impacting and events happening in your judicial district.
last person joined 4 months ago
last person joined 6 months ago
last person joined 5 months ago
last person joined 7 days ago
last person joined 2 months ago
last person joined 16 days ago
last person joined one month ago
The general purpose of the Section shall be the promotion of the objects of the Nebraska State Bar Association (herein "the Association") by improving the professional knowledge and skill of the members of the Association in the field designated by the name of the Section. To that end, the Section shall: (a) promote and maintain high standards of conduct, integrity and skill for persons engaged in the practice of law in the field of the Section; (b) provide continuing legal education in subject matters related to the field of the Section; (c)provide a forum for the discussion and development of substantive and procedural laws relating to the field of the Section; and (d) carry on such other activities as relate to the field of the Section and as are from time to time directed by the membership.
last person joined 13 days ago
This Section is dedicated to studying and encouraging different alternatives for dispute resolution and the circumstances in which they are likely to work, consistent with recognized concepts of due process and the efficient administration of justice.
last person joined 4 days ago
The Committee shall assist the President, Executive Council and Association staff in planning the program of the Annual Meeting of the Association. Persons who are not members of the Association may serve as ex-officio members of the Committee.
This Section is dedicated to (1) promoting the role and enhancing the skills of Nebraska’s appellate lawyers to best serve their clients, and (2) improving the practice of appellate law in Nebraska.
last person joined 11 days ago
This Section works to promote and improve the professional knowledge and skills of members by addressing practical and legal issues arising in financial and commercial laws and regulations. The Bank Attorneys Section also cultivates social and professional relationships among its members and provides for the dissemination of information related to the interests of its members.
last person joined 9 days ago
This Section is comprised of lawyers who practice or have an interest in bankruptcy law and is dedicated to providing a common forum for exchanging ideas. It promotes and provides continuing education in the fields of bankruptcy and commercial law, as well as fosters excellence and professionalism in the practice.
We are looking for members that like to fund raise, find interesting auction items and use their creativity to cup up with interesting themes and decorations.
last person joined 9 months ago
Our charge is to assist in comprehensive, long-range planning for future activities and responsibilities of the Association. We also study the income and expenses of the Association and prepare and submit to the Executive Council and House of Delegates, a proposed budget for each fiscal year. We also advise the Executive Council and House of Delegates on the accounting, bookkeeping and investments policies employed by the Association.