Barristers' Ball Committee

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Welcome to the Member Community for the Barristers Ball Committee. We are delighted to offer this interactive forum as we plan the next premier fundraising event for the Nebraska Lawyers Foundation.  Proceeds from the Barristers Ball support the Nebraska Lawyers Foundation, whose mission is to serve the public and the legal profession by securing contribution to support programs dedicated to the improvement of the legal profession and the administration of justice. This includes programs like the Volunteer Lawyers Project, the Nebraska Lawyers Assistance Program, the Rural Practice Initiative, and the LSAT Prep Scholarship Program.

If you have questions about the Barristers Committee or ideas for how we can improve this community and its resources, we want to hear from you. This is, after all, your committee and our success is dependent on your active participation. Please send your questions and ideas to the Barristers Ball Meeting Chair, Joel M. Carney or NSBA Associate Director, Sam Clinch.  

The email for this listserv is