Welcome to the Member Community for the NSBA Technology, Privacy and Security Law Section. Given the growing reliance on technology by the attorneys and their clients, and the increased threats and vulnerabilities in the current technological environment, the purposes of the Technology, Privacy, and Security Law Section (TPSL) are: to provide a statewide forum for attorneys to share and expand their knowledge and practice skills in all areas of TPSL; to better serve the legal needs of clients and the public to advance the security of data, systems, and networks; to promote education on changing trends in TPSL; and to promote the mission of the Nebraska State Bar Association.
We are delighted to offer this interactive forum to our members. If you have questions or ideas for how we can improve this community and its resources, we want to hear from you. This is, after all, your section and our success is dependent on your active participation. Please send your questions and ideas to your section leaders:
Chair: Bob Kardell Vice Chair: Taylor Herbert Secretary: Jean Putrino Treasurer: Shana Knutson At Large Members: Tom Freeman, Maureen Fulton, Matthew McKeever, Fay Fisher, Dan Pfeffer, Jenny Perlebach.
The new listserv email is NEBAR-techlaw@ConnectedCommunity.org.