Immigration Law Section

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Welcome to the Member Community for the NSBA Immigration Law Section. This Section is dedicated to providing a common forum for exchanging ideas and promoting and providing continuing legal education, social interaction, and discussion among the members through scheduled lunches with speakers and other educational meetings. 

We are delighted to offer this interactive forum to our members. If you have questions or ideas for how we can improve this community and its resources, we want to hear from you. This is, after all, your section and our success is dependent on your active participation. Please send your questions and ideas to your section leaders:

Chair: Roxana Cortes Vice Chair: Rose Godinez  Secretary/Treasurer: Mary Choate

At-Large Members:
 Christopher Roth, Jacob Huju, Heidi Oligmueller, Ryan Sevcik, Karine Sokpoh, Sandra Jarvis.

The new listserv email is

Not a Member? Join the Immigration Law Section Today!!