Agricultural, Natural Resources, Environment & Energy Section

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Welcome to the Member Community for the Agricultural, Natural Resources, Environment & Energy Section. The general purpose of the Section shall be the promotion of the objects of the Nebraska State Bar Association (herein "the Association") by improving the professional knowledge and skill of the members of the Association in the field designated by the name of the Section. To that end, the Section shall (a) promote and maintain high standards of conduct, integrity and skill for persons engaged in the practice of law in the field of the Section; (b) provide continuing legal education in subject matters related to the field of the Section; (c)  provide a forum for the discussion and development of substantive and procedural laws relating to the field of the Section; and (d) carry on such other activities as relate to the field of the Section and as are from time to time directed by the membership. 

Chair: Steve Mossman  Vice Chair: Kia Moore  Secretary: Andrew Spader  Treasurer: Tanner Whited

At-Large Members: Steve Bruckner, Michaela Valentin, Kristen Hassebrook, David Bracht, Mike Linder, & Hannes Zetsche

 We are delighted to offer this interactive forum to our members. If you have questions or ideas for how we can improve this community and its resources, we want to hear from you. This is, after all, your section and our success is dependent on your active participation. Please send your questions and ideas to your section leaders:

The new listserv email is

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