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  • Posted in: City Attorneys

    Hello all, This is my first post on here. I've served as City Attorney for about 9 years. I've never sought an inspection warrant for a property. I want to be able to start doing that and was going to cobble together my own forms to do so, ...

  • Posted in: City Attorneys

    Dan -- I am dealing with almost the exact same issue now. If you would like to give me a call, I can tell you how I am trying to handle it in my county. (It's still ongoing). I am the county attorney and the city attorney in Wayne, so I really don't ...

  • Posted in: City Attorneys

    I represent a small village that is in the middle of a weird jurisdictional issue. A dog bites an individual outside village limits, and a county sheriff deputy took a report. The dog's owners live in the village, so the county attorney believes that ...

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